Feb 7, 2011

This is what I love: CHAGE & ASKA!

Well, today, I decide to share the things that I love on this blog, not just share something I see randomly online. That would make this blog silly because Facebook is doing that same thing. Somehow, I feel like I always love something that people around me don't really like, or not even know about... so here is the first to mention:

(Chage & Aska on WIKI)

They're a Japanese duo, and here are two best songs from them. How could one not love Chage & Aska? Old stuffs are GREAT! Haha!

When Chage & Aska were on mountain top, I was too little to appreciate them, but their songs were around me somehow. I didn't recognize them until I was in middle school, illegally downloading bunch of musics and found that I know many of their songs. You know when you download songs, you just get whatever appears on the monitor. lol Then I truly fell in love with their songs.

Now I'm over 20, and I ask myself, "how can I not pay for their wonderful musics?" Guys! Go to iTunes, they have many remastering records of them! search CHAGE AND ASKA!! buy them!

Well, just to mention... I sometimes feel that Facebook is making us so shallow, don't you think so? Like... one "liked" something and automatically shares it out and everybody start liking it. But then we  do not really know anything about that person at all, apart from that one single line that says: "this MV is very cool!"

Hey, why am I writing this blog at the first place?

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